Address Signs
Throughout the months of August and September, you may notice our team out and about in the neighborhood and even in your driveways. We will be installing new, larger, and more reflective address signs throughout the district. This initiative follows a comprehensive district needs assessment and aims to significantly improve our emergency response capabilities.
We are thrilled to share that the funding for these new signs comes from a Community Wildfire Risk Reduction Grant, which we applied for and received from the Oregon State Fire Marshal back in 2023.
The grant allowed us to purchase 300 signs, a number of stakes, and materials. We conducted a triage assessment of our district over the past year to determine those residences that have address signs that are poorly marked, have no address sign at all, or those that have such unreadable numbers that we determined would hinder our response or would be hard to locate. These first round of signs are being placed at those addresses that were identified first, along with those located on higher speed roads.
If you don't receive a new one initially, that means you have an address that is already marked adequately. Our current plan with the new signs is to include every area of our district.
Going forward, we will try to budget for the new signs as we can, and continue to replace old ones to add the signs where they are needed. Our goal is to have them on all addresses, especially for those who request them.
If you do not have a new one by next summer, we would ask that you call us, stop by or fill out the form below to request one so we can add you to the list when we are able to order more.
Thank you for your support and cooperation as we work to enhance the safety and efficiency of our emergency services.