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External Links

General: Government and Private

Douglas County Emergency Management

Douglas County Government

Oregon Office of Emergency Management

Oregon Emergency Management Association

American Red Cross

Oregon Trail Chapter, American Red Cross


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Wildfire information for the Pacific Northwest

Oregon Defensible Space

Federal Emergency Management Agency

Emergency Management Training and Education

Federal Alliance for Safe Homes

MEDLINEplus:Disaster and Emergency Prep

Oregon Public Health - Preparedness

Texas A&M University Disaster Recovery Guidebook and e-book


Other Local agencies:

Douglas Forest Protection Association

City of Winston

Camas Valley Rural Volunteer Fire District

Winston-Dillard Fire District

Douglas County Amateur Radio

Search & Rescue


Fire Prevention/Safety:

Ready For Wildfire

Wildfire information for the Pacific Northwest

National Fire Protection Association 

National Preparedness Levels

Safe Kids Worldwide

Consumer Notice-Fire Safety

ODF Fire Prevention

National Safety Council:Fire

Smokey the Bear

The Basics of Burn Care

CPR and Firefighter Resources 



Asbestos and Natural Disasters Guide

US Dept. of Transportation Emergency Response Guide

Hazardous Materials and Sheltering in Place

Web-based training: classes and materials available online through FEMA's Emergency Management Institute.

Independent study courses include:


Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality: School-Based Emergency Preparedness: A National Analysis and Recommended Protocol

American Red Cross Masters of Disaster school program

Keys to Safer Schools (not-for-profit resource)

Emergency Response Guide for Child Care Providers (State of Indiana) (PDF)

Save the Children: checklist for parents assessing disaster preparedness of schools and child-care facilities

US Department of Education Office of Special Education Programs: A Guide to Safe Schools

US Department of Education Readiness and Emergency Management for Schools (grant program)

US Secret Service Safe Schools Initiative (National Threat Assessment Center)


Vulnerable populations

National Library of Medicine: Emergency and Disaster Preparedness for Special Populations

Oregon Humane Society: Including Pets in Your Disaster Preparedness Plans (PDF)

Oregon Veterinary Medical Association: Disaster Preparedness for Pet Owners

American Red Cross: Pets and Disasters

ASPCA: disaster preparedness

American Veterinary Medical Association

FEMA: Preparedness for Pet Owners (Downloadable PDF)

Humane Society of the U.S. Disaster Center

National Assn of Professional Pet Sitters: Emergency Planning Guide for Pet Owners (PDF)

Pet Finder: Disaster Preparedness and Pets

Web-based training: classes and materials available online through FEMA's Emergency Management Institute.

Independent study courses include:



American Academy of Pediatrics

American Red Cross: Children and Disasters

CDC: Caring for Children in a Disaster

Disaster Hero (interactive preparedness game from FEMA and the American College of Emergency Physicians)

FEMA: Children and Disasters

FEMA for Kids for Kids (includes Disaster Master game)
Save the Children: checklist for parents assessing disaster preparedness of schools and child-care facilities

Seattle Children's Hospital: Prepare

Seattle Children's Hospital: Emergency Preparedness For Children With Special Needs


Expectant Parents

American College of Nurse-Midwives: Emergency Preparedness for Childbirth (PDF)
CDC: Emergency preparedness for pregnant women


Disabled and Special Medical Needs

Accessible Emergency Information (emergency preparedness resources for people with vision and hearing impairments; includes videos in ASL, publications in large print and downloadable in Braille)
Alzheimer's Assn: Safety in a Disaster for People with Dementia and Their Caregivers
American Diabetes Assn: Preparedness tips for People living with Diabetes
American Red Cross: Disaster Preparedness for People with Disabilities
Center for Disability Issues and the Health Professions Emergency Evacuation Preparedness Guide
CDC: Emergency Preparedness: Including People with Disabilities
CDC blog: Emergency Preparedness for Families with Special Needs
FDA: tips on medical devices and disasters (includes power, sterility, environment)
FEMA: Preparedness for People with Access and Functional Needs
FEMA: Preparing for Disaster for People with Disabilities and Other Special Needs (PDF or text file)

FEMA: Pet/Service Animal Preparedness (PDF)
Kidney Community Emergency Response Coalition
National Assn. for Home Care and Hospice: Emergency Preparedness Packet for Home Health Care Agencies (PDF)
National Fire Protection Assn: life safety resources for people with disabilities
National Kidney Foundation: preparedness for people with chronic kidney disease (PDF)
National Organization on Disability emergency preparedness resources for people with disabilities (hosted by (PDFs)

Northeast Center for Special Care: Disability Resources in a Disaster

Northwest Renal Network (emergency preparedness and other resources)

Nobody Left Behind (Univ. of Kansas) preparedness videos (several ~ 5-minute videos, 10-20 MB; direct links to videos in FEMA preparedness video collection):

UCLA Center for Public Health and Disasters: Medication Kits - 3 Ways to Prepare (PDF)

Univ. of Washington Special Needs Emergency Preparedness

US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS): Emergency Preparedness Resources for Persons with Disabilities

US HHS: preparedness for people on dialysis (PDF available)

US Department of Homeland Security: Disaster Planning Guide for Home Health Care Providers (PDF)

US. Department of Justice: ADA preparedness Guide for Local Governments

US Department of Transportation: Emergency Preparedness and Individuals with Disabilities



American Red Cross: Disaster Preparedness for Seniors

CDC: Emergency preparedness for Older Adults

CDC: Identifying Vulnerable Older Adults and Legal Options for Increasing Their Protection During Emergencies

(free download)

FEMA: Preparedness for Seniors

US Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Community Living: Emergency Preparedness Resources