Thursday June 23, 2022 at 4:56 pm DFPA, Winston-Dillard Fire District, Douglas County Fire District No. 2 and Tenmile Rural Fire Protection District responded to an estimated ½ acre escaped debris fire located at the 600 block of Hoover Hill Road in Winston, ORE.
The cause of the fire was due to a holdover burn pile from one week ago. There were no previous signs of smoke and the area had received rainfall in the past week. However, with a few days of dry weather and yesterday’s light winds, heat that remained within the interior of the pile was dislodged and found to be the source of ignition.
Thankfully with the quick response and the collaborative suppression efforts of responding fire departments, the fire was contained by 6 pm.
This is a reminder of the importance of churning the layers of burn piles to ensure that all debris is cool to the touch, ensuring that any heat source is eliminated.