Tenmile Fire responds to Two Chimney Fires Just One Week apart
Nov. 18, 2022
During the late fall and winter months, as temperatures really begin to cool off and we begin to build our fires in our stoves and fireplaces a little bigger and a little hotter, we must try not to forget to make sure our chimneys get the proper cleaning they need. This year, temperatures really began to cool off around the start of November. And like clockwork, the fire dept. began being dispatched to flu fires. Withing 8 days, on Nov. 8th and again on Nov. 16th we were dispatched to two working flu fires right here in Tenmile. Luckily, these fires were controlled and contained to the fire places and chimneys on both instances.

According to the NFPA, Heating equipment caused one in seven home structure fires (14%) that took place in 2014–2018, while also accounting for one-fifth (19%) of the home fire. Other resources state that there are more than 25,000 chimney fires incurring $125 million-plus in property damage every year in the United States.
We would like to remind everyone to:
- Minimize creosote build-up to prevent chimney fires by burning only seasoned hardwood that has dried for at least six months and contains a moisture content of no more than 20 percent.
- Schedule an annual chimney inspection
- Clean your chimney when walls have a ⅛-inch layer of build-up.
- Install a chimney cap.